1. 请您着装整洁,持有效票劵按序入场;
2. 请勿将食品、饮料等带入场内;
3. 在无观演限制下,欢迎1米以下儿童凭票入场;
4. 演出期间请您关闭手机或将手机调至静音位置;
5. 请准时入场,对号入座,迟到的观众,请在门口稍后,待曲目间轻轻入场,就近入座;
6. 演出期间请勿随意走动并,并关照好您的小孩不要在观众厅内跑闹,以免摔伤;
7. 剧院内禁止吸烟;
8. 未经许可,严禁拍照、录音和摄像;
9. 演出中观众如需暂时离场,请向门口的服务员领取副劵,以备再次入场;
图源:本地宝 李子
1. Please enter the theatre orderly, in proper dress and with valid ticket;
2. Please don’t bring foods and drink etc into the theatre;
3. Under no other restriction, kids under 1 meter are welcome to watch show with tickets;
4. Please switch off your mobile phones or turn to silence during the performance.
5. Please arrive punctually and take your numbered seat. Latecomers please wait outside, and take a seat nearby quitly during an interval;
6. Please don’t ambulate around during the show, attend to your children and keep them seated so as to avoid any tumbles;
7. No smoking;
8. No photographing or video-taping or recording is allowed in theatre without permission;
9. If you need to leave temporarily during the performance, please ask the staffs at the gate for the sub-ticket for readmitted;
10. Tickets sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.