
导语 准备一个可以应对大部分话题的雅思口语万能模板对于大多数考生来说都是十分必要的,在雅思口语考试的紧张气氛中,能够真正完全自由发挥的毕竟是少数。


  1. Motto

  The motto: honesty is the best policy

  The reasons you chose the motto:

  - personal philosophy

  - easier to live with

  - overall moral good

  My motto is “honesty is the best policy” because life is easier when we tell the truth. I have felt this way ever since I read the story of Pinocchio, the little marionette whose wooden nose grew whenever he told a lie. It just seems better to deal with the truth. As a result, there are no surprises or stories that don’t match up. It also helps people treat themselves with more self-respect and in turn, others will treat them in a more dignified manner. Lying to others is lying to oneself. If everyone were honest, we would all fell well in our personal lives and in dealing at work.

  2. Criticism

  The criticism: how I looked

  The reasons you chose this:

  - lazy, careless in my attitude

  - attracting undesirable people

  - but appearance did not mean everything

  When I was in school, I was criticized because of how I looked. I had long hair of many colors – often a mix of black, blond and blue. My clothes were big and baggy; nobody saw my shoes because my pants were so long and dragged on the ground. I felt comfortable in this way. It was a way of expressing my feelings about the world around me. However, my family didn’t agree with this. They said it made me look lazy and careless in my attitude. People thought I didn’t care about

  my parents either. They were worried about me and about my appearance attracting undesirable people. I know they were just trying to show their love to me. I was the top student in my class, so to me, looks and appearance didn’t mean everything.

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