双语:单身情人节怎么过 一个人的情人节

导语 情人节到来了,也许还有部分男女还是落单的,没关系,一个人的情人节也可以过处别样精彩。生活不总是有人陪伴的,一个人的时候,过一个人的情人节,也不失为一种情趣。小编在这里推荐了10种一个人的情人节过法,中英文解析,让你在解闷的时候,还能学习英语,何乐而不为?

  双语:单身情人节怎么过 一个人的情人节  

  Despite the fact that we’ve just hadChristmas and New Year, the world decided that some of us needed yet another reminder of how sad and alone we are. Enter Valentine’s Day, a faux semi-holiday that was invented to stimulate the sales of the floral, jewelry, chocolate and suicide hotline industries. In case you find yourself partner-free this February 14th, here is some proof that you can totally rock the day, singles style。

  1. Party

  Why sit around wallowing in self pity when you can be out having a good time. If you’re invited to a V-Day party, go. Who cares if it’s going to mostly be couples. You get the chance to drink and eat on somebody else’s dime while observing things going on around you. Perhaps there’ll be some hotties there, or maybe just couples pretending not to be in a fight over inadequate Valentines gifts. Either way, there will be good times! Alternatively, you can throw your own party with an appropriate theme such as “historical couples” or “horror movie characters。”




  2. Treat Yourself

  The upside to not having a valentine is not being obliged to spend of your pay check on a gift for someone. Instead, I recommend that you:

  We can sometimes put so much time and energy into other people that we forget about ourselves. So why not make this Valentine’s Day all about you? Whether your idea of indulgence is a massage, a new game or an entire pot pie to yourself, do it. Frankly, I’d go for all three。

  2. 款待自己




